Links to workshops, retreats, online groups - You can start here for information on caregiving.
Or click below to learn more about specific programs for caregivers and families:
Family Stories - Lucile Packard Foundation
One in five American children has a special health care need. What is it like to care for them each and every day and night? The foundation invites you to share your story with too, and help build the collective voice of millions of Super Parents across the country.
Communitas- SF Osher Center
Communitas, a mind-body skills and resilience program for teens living with chronic illness and their parents at the Osher Center for Integrative Medicine. There is no charge to families for this program.The mission of Communitas is to improve the lives, health, and well-being of young people living with life-altering chronic illness and their families by providing transformative integrative medicine education and experiences, peer support, and empowerment with self-care skills. Communitas was developed by Dr. Brittany Blockman, a pediatrician and current fellow in the Osher Center’s new clinical fellowship in integrative medicine.